Prevention is a cornerstone of 360 Communities’ work to strengthen our communities to a new degree. We are working in the home with first-time parents, supporting the cognitive and social development of children in their first four years. We work with day care providers to improve the quality of child care settings and help make sure kids are better prepared for kindergarten. We ensure there is stability in homes, including safety and basic needs, so K-12 students can come to school nourished and focused on learning.

We craft family learning plans in partnership with parents, teachers, and students in schools. We do these things because research informs us that there are long-term positive implications for the strength of our communities when we set children on the right path early.

In a continuation of these efforts, 360 Communities Violence Prevention staff have implemented a new school curriculum as a part of their education and outreach initiatives. The curriculum is meant for grades 6th through 12th and covers topics ranging from bullying to sexual and domestic violence in later years. The aim is to shape young minds to change the cultural norms and possibly break cycles that lead to domestic and sexual violence in adulthood.

So far the response from educators and students has been extremely positive. After one recent presentation to a high school, one student said, “I appreciated the tips on preventing and recognizing unhealthy dating relationships.” Another student wrote, “The presentation was ultimately awe-inspiring. The presenter moved me in a sense that I now want to learn more about rape culture, and would love to be an advocate or speaker for victims in the future. Overall, she inspired me to make a difference in the community!”