Call us: (952) 985-5300 | Lewis House Crisis Hotline: (651) 452-7288

Community Educator connects young people with tools to be safe


360 Communities works upstream to prevent violence and promote healthy relationships February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, an excellent time to spread awareness and share tools to help young people navigate relationships as they mature. Domestic Violence Advocate and Community Educator Molly Hayes delivers presentations throughout the community about these often complex topics. She [...]

Community Educator connects young people with tools to be safe2023-12-31T08:10:21-06:00

Delivering safety and stability to prevent homelessness


Safe, affordable, stable housing is a foundation for having strong families and communities. But far too many Dakota County residents either lack or are at risk of losing this vital and most basic need of shelter. On any given night in Dakota County, there are more than 300 people who are homeless and without adequate [...]

Delivering safety and stability to prevent homelessness2022-11-05T13:10:27-05:00

Survivor chooses a different life


Enduring violence Heather remembers almost passing out as her estranged husband choked her in a rage, with her eight-year-old daughter asleep in the other room. She hit him with her phone, escaped to another part of the house, and locked herself in a room. She called 9-1-1. Police arrested him that night and took him [...]

Survivor chooses a different life2023-03-16T09:48:09-05:00

Leading out of trauma


A message from Jeff Mortensen, President & CEO  I once heard someone say that humans are the most adaptable creatures on earth…when forced to be!  Human history is full of all kinds of crises, periods of growth, and steep recessions.  These experiences, and the accumulated lessons learned, help us innovate and transform if we also inspire [...]

Leading out of trauma2022-05-20T14:02:18-05:00

In Memory of Barbara Johnston


Johnston family turns grief to hope with help from Frogtown Curling Billy Johnston, his daughters Amanda and Emily, his grandchildren Rowan and Isla, family friend Travis Cummings, and Frogtown Curling's winning bidder, Bruce Alexander, recently presented a $7,000 check to 360 Communities Lewis House staff. Barbara [...]

In Memory of Barbara Johnston2022-05-24T09:07:13-05:00

Volunteer Spotlight: Carolyn Thornton


Volunteer Spotlight: Carolyn Thornton Carolyn Thornton began her volunteer career at 360 Communities over seven years ago. She has supported sexual assault victims/survivors and neighbors seeking stabilizing resources at the Burnsville Resource Center. “I love giving my time, talent, and meager money to those less fortunate," says Carolyn. She says that [...]

Volunteer Spotlight: Carolyn Thornton2023-05-12T12:50:14-05:00

Celebrating 50 years in Dakota County


a message from President & CEO Jeff Mortensen 360 Communities started as a small group of social-minded individuals who turned belief into action. Their unifying desire to live out values for the good of others was contagious and engaged the broader community in contributing time and resources for over five decades. By building [...]

Celebrating 50 years in Dakota County2022-03-08T20:15:12-06:00

Susan’s Story


IN CRISIS, FINDING HELP Susan needed help. Her instincts told her that she and her young children were not safe in their home.  “Because my abuser works in law enforcement - he knew how to hurt me without leaving marks,” Susan says, “He threw things at me, threatened to punch me, and left [...]

Susan’s Story2021-10-30T13:54:22-05:00

End Victim-Blaming


End victim-blaming a message from President & CEO Jeff Mortensen Every 73 seconds, a person is sexually assaulted in the United States, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN). The majority of sexual assaults are never reported to police, and for those that are, only 5 out of every [...]

End Victim-Blaming2021-05-09T10:43:28-05:00

Be the hope during Domestic Violence Awareness Month


360 Communities President & CEO Jeff Mortensen October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month To say that the year 2020 has been a challenging one is a vast understatement. But with all of the adversity we are facing, it is clear that our communities still have an enormous capacity to look out for the [...]

Be the hope during Domestic Violence Awareness Month2021-10-29T08:27:16-05:00
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